Got a wonderful report today from the Lynchburg Tea Party President Mark Lloyd (who is also the Vice-Chair of this Federation) about their meeting last night. It was the third meeting since their founding. At their second meeting they had around 60 people. At last nights meeting they had over 100 people present! People are eager to unseat Congressman Perriello it would seem. :)
Now, what makes this even more interesting was that some Republican leadership from the district showed up to the meeting, including 5th District Chairman Tucker Watkins and Campbell County Chairman. I am encouraged to see they were willing to attend the Lynchburg Tea Party meeting and see what they are all about. That is a good first step. I am sure they were surprised by the size of the crowd.
The reception wasn’t all cake and cookies. Tea party members were very forthright with their comments of what they thought of the recent behavior of the GOP in the 5th District. Oh well…what can you expect? That is what happens when you’ve been burned. I think this is good though; we need a more open discourse with the parties. Bravo to the Lynchburg Tea Party!
There were closer to 80 people there. :)
Great report and Great Job, Lynchburg Tea Party!