Attacks from all Fronts
The final battle with all its nastiness and betrayals is here. The Jackals are surrounding the lion and are going in for the kill. The enemies of our Republic have taken off their masks and [...]
The Calm Before the Storm
So much has happened in so short a time. The nightmare that has been the left's assault on all things good, all that is decent, all that is America, has been more than we can [...]
The Emperor’s New Clothes
by Deborah Giffin, VATP Treasurer If you are not familiar with this particular Hans Christian Andersen fable, it involves a vain Emperor who is hoodwinked by a couple of scam artists who promise to provide [...]
An American Party no More!
So, the question of what would the radical democrat left do if all the evil that they brought to bear against their political opponent somehow failed. The lines they have crossed already are particularly disturbing. [...]
Potomac Tea Party Independence Day Celebration
The Potomac Tea Party celebrates Independence Day
The Movies, Politics, and Character
by Deborah Giffin, VATP Chair of Direct Legislative Action (DLA) After the hubbub of the primary elections are past, you might want to take a break and chill out and watch some movies. This [...]
Endings of the Fall
Everything that we hold as good, everything that we believe as foundational principles, everything that we embrace as self-evident truths that has been the bedrock of our governance will be decided this year. One way [...]
Advocacy as Fashion
by Deborah Giffin, VATP Chair of Direct Legislative Action (DLA) Have you ever gone back and looked at high school and/or college pictures of yourself? Do you notice how you look just like all your [...]
Just a Few things the sane and the good already know
Just a Few Things We Know Some self-evident truths to trigger even the most stalwart left-wing fascist. 1. We know that America has been the greatest nation in the history of world since its [...]
It’s still the economy, stupid!
IT’S STILL THE ECONOMY, STUPID! by Deborah Giffin, VATP Chair of Direct Legislative Action (DLA) April 15, 2009 was the day for rallies in about 750 locations across the country. Since that day, the [...]