
About Nelson Velez

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So far Nelson Velez has created 74 blog entries.

Final Words on the American Horizon

By |2024-10-14T19:43:54-04:00October 14th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

We have just scant weeks before everything, everywhere changes. One way or the other, for good or evil, everything changes, and things come to an end, for our future and maybe, even for our past. On that fateful and tragic day of Jan. 6th 2021, the sun did set on our Republic when we allowed the subversive left to steal the 2020 election and pervert the actual results from the winning Trump campaign to Biden, disenfranchising millions of honest and [...]

Attacks from all Fronts

By |2024-09-16T21:43:53-04:00September 16th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

The final battle with all its nastiness and betrayals is here. The Jackals are surrounding the lion and are going in for the kill. The enemies of our Republic have taken off their masks and have made clear their intent to destroy our nation. This war against America has been a center piece for the democrat party for a long time. In a different time in our history, they split a nation over the politics of their day. They divided [...]

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The Calm Before the Storm

By |2024-08-13T21:21:04-04:00August 12th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

So much has happened in so short a time. The nightmare that has been the left's assault on all things good, all that is decent, all that is America, has been more than we can ever fathom. It is the stuff of wicked evil that has no conscious and seemingly has free reign to attack our institutions, our economy, our freedoms, our heritage, our rights, our constitution, our laws, and our very existence if we believe in anything other than [...]

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An American Party no More!

By |2024-07-15T21:48:35-04:00July 15th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

So, the question of what would the radical democrat left do if all the evil that they brought to bear against their political opponent somehow failed. The lines they have crossed already are particularly disturbing. Remember, the practice of calling in a mob of agitators to intimate and threaten your opponent while they are publicly dining was not a practice till Trump entered office. Then, suddenly these left wing hate groups began descending on helpless people, from kids who supported [...]

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Endings of the Fall

By |2024-06-18T22:03:26-04:00June 18th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

Everything that we hold as good, everything that we believe as foundational principles, everything that we embrace as self-evident truths that has been the bedrock of our governance will be decided this year. One way or the other, all this uncertainty surrounding the governance of our nation ends this year. If things go badly, the Republic and all that has been good about our nation and all that has been great about our people ends. If the outcome is good, [...]

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Just a Few things the sane and the good already know

By |2024-05-16T11:11:38-04:00May 14th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

Just a Few Things We Know Some self-evident truths to trigger even the most stalwart left-wing fascist. 1. We know that America has been the greatest nation in the history of world since its birth in 1776. 2. We know that the ideals of America were something to always strive for and though we failed many times to achieve that perfect state, those ideals have always remained that great goal for that more perfect union. 3. We know that [...]

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American Phoenix Rising from the left’s Desolation!

By |2024-04-16T22:35:09-04:00April 16th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

So, what has America become? Are we still the land of the free and the home of the brave? Are we still a Constitutional Republic? Are we still that shinning city on the hill? Are we as virtuous as we used to be? Are we still the place where the good guys can win and the bad guys get it in the end? Are we still the good guys? Now we are witness to the tragic disunion of our [...]

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Taking the Corruption Train to Georgia, woo, woo!

By |2024-03-20T09:25:14-04:00March 18th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

Every time we think the left has hit the lowest of lows, they forge ahead to descend to yet another level of lawlessness and subversion. There was a time when we thought of one another as Americans embracing self-evident truths and common sense for the good of our nation. Over the years, the left has descended into a cesspool of ever-increasing audacious criminal, subversive and insane behavior. We have been like concerned family members who are helplessly witnessing the [...]

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Where there is injustice, there is no justice

By |2024-02-13T19:36:18-05:00February 13th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

Have you noticed that the question of what it would be like if the US ever became like Cuba, Venezuela or any other banana republic is rarely asked anymore. It is as if we don't need to ask that question. That question is not asked maybe because it has been answered in horrific fashion over the past decade. Remember the rioting by roving left-wing thugs attacking, burning, terrorizing, looting, and killing with impunity without any concern that there would be [...]

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The Enemy within our Walls; the Lunatics in the Streets; the Lawless in Power

By |2024-01-17T22:15:58-05:00January 16th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

A year ago, to the month, we were mesmerized by the Chinese spying machine floating over our nation. Remember. The spy balloon owned the skies as it drifted over national security areas with nary a care in the world. Nothing could be clearer to the nation and the world that the election thief in the White House was beholden to our Chinese enemies. His lucrative bribery operations funneled through his lawless junkie son, was a price that was being paid [...]

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