We will be having the next summit meeting on June 3rd.
Registration/ticketing is now open; get your tickets today!
9:15-10:00 Event Registration
Activities include:
10:00 Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance
10:05 Opening Remarks
10:10 – 12:00 Morning Program
Caleb Taylor – The Virginia Strategy: The incoming wave of Progressivism and the bulwark necessary to withstand it
Becky Norton Dunlop – American Principles that Can Make Virginia Great Again
1:00 – 3:00 Afternoon Program
Cola Public Policy Breakout Sessions : Where do we go from here?
- Meet up with CoLA Education, Healthcare and Voter Fraud team leaders
- New teams forming to fight for regulatory reform; to stop ‘Policing for Profit’ (asset forfeiture without conviction); and to work on farm issues.
2:50 Afternoon Break
3:00 Private Business Meeting (Member organizations only)
*Time will be given at the end of each presentation for questions, answers and discussion.*
Doors open for general summit event at 9:15 AM.

Caleb Taylor
Caleb Taylor is the Director of Policy and Operations for the Virginia Institute for Public Policy and Tertium Quids where he has worked as a volunteer and part-time editor since 1997. Caleb was raised in the tradition of free-enterprise economics and American history, spending a large portion of his youth reading Austrian, Public Choice, and Chicago economists as well as the works of the Founders, the Enlightenment philosophers, and their modern antecedents in moral and political philosophy. Caleb is a graduate of Liberty University with a degree in Economics and Business Administration, and is a self-described “militant home-schooler” of his two daughters, Audea and Olivia, ages 11 and 4 respectively.

Becky Norton Dunlop
Becky Norton Dunlop, a prominent leader, strategist and life-long grass-roots activist in the conservative movement continues eighteen years’ formal association with The Heritage Foundation as the leading think tank’s Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow– the only policy chair in the country to be officially named for the 40th president. FULL BIO