Action Alert: June 9 Statewide Primaries

Fellow Patriots:  The Virginia Christian Alliance has made available comparative Voter Guides for the statewide primaries taking place on 9 June. All candidates were mailed and emailed a comprehensive 72 questions survey reflecting key issues ranging from property rights (including asset forfeiture) to government overreach, to taxes, to social issues. The actual surveys, including any notes provided by the candidate, are now posted at their grassroots website, In addition to the surveys, you can also find the letters from the candidates who declined to complete the survey and an “FTR” designation for those who failed to respond. If an incumbent failed to respond, their answers were based upon votes taken while in office. Where possible, if a candidate failed to respond, answers were based on publicized statements.

Voters can also see comparative voter guides that illustrate key differences between the candidates in specific primaries.

Perhaps the best tool of all is the ability for you, the voter, to complete the same survey and receive an email that compares your answers to that of the candidates in your geographical district on all 72 questions.

Actual candidate surveys and comparative voter guides may be printed or emailed for sharing. From the website, you can ‘like’ a candidate and share your support directly to facebook. If your candidate failed to complete the survey, you can click a link to send an email directly to the candidate asking them to complete the survey.

You are also invited to ‘like’ the Virginia Christian Alliance Grassroots facebook page to keep up with any updates.

Lisa Everington
Elections Chair