I received a fundraising letter in the mail today from “The Tea Party“. Yes, you read that right. Someone (Dale Robertson) is audacious enough to claim the name of “The Tea Party” and is working to collect money from tea party supporters that may fall victim to his ploy. You see, there is no single “The Tea Party”, and no one involved in organizing it would ever be so bold to claim otherwise, much less dishonestly use the name for fundraising. If you Google “Dale Robertson Tea Party”, you’ll see for yourself that this is a questionable individual…I will leave it up to you to make your own conclusions. When I looked over the letter, I found that this group (“The Tea Party“) is a project of “State Department Watch”, with a California address.

The letter discusses a national survey about Obama’s violation of the Constitution, and that he needs funds to conduct the survey. And there’s a line to add your email address too, of course. With many free survey sites available (with most of them simply harvesting your email addresses), I’m a bit puzzled where the funding fits in.

I write this letter as a warning to you, and to let you know that this is NOT from your local tea party volunteers. We actually had a question about this some time ago from a local RTP supporter, who was wondering why she was being asked to contribute to RTP when she said that she had already donated to “the tea party”.

While I question the value of a national survey that requires funding to conduct, I will absolutely indicate that your local activist groups can use your donations here in your communities. For example, Richmond Tea Party is conducting our “Celebrate Liberty” event soon (April 14th, replacing the annual tax day rally), and we need all the help we can get (we’re still about $8,000 short as of this writing).


If you’d like to help your REAL tea party volunteers that are working to make a difference in Virginia, we would appreciate your assistance:


I have added a copy of the letter I received below for your reference, and I hope you have not been previously deceived by this appeal. For any questions, hit the comments box below or from the Contact Us link above.