The forecast for Saturday is fantastic!  Admission is free, and we at the Richmond Tea Party are standing up and stepping up with you, Virginia.  This Saturday, April 14th from noon ‘til dusk, we’re doing what we’ve always done.

We’re not leaders of a hyper-organized effort.  We’re not leaders at all.  We’re just Virginia citizens reflecting the concerns, values and a spirit of determination that we hear at work, in lines at stores, at the gas station, and at our kitchen tables.  We’re not Republicans, Democrats or followers of any kind, and we’re not backing off from this challenge.  You can always trust that the Richmond Tea Party is committed for the long run.

We’re not a well-funded arm of a greater machine that leverages union dues, tax dollars, and downright corporate blackmail to advance an ideology disguised as fairness, hope, and progress.

We don’t have a decades-old association with media networks, giving us control over career “journalists” primarily concerned with maintaining their association with those in power.  Presuming an entitlement to their influence over the information that America’s citizens are “allowed” to know, they no longer pretend to represent their friends and neighbors to those powerful officials.

Our LIBERTY is being sold!  American taxpayers are seen as a crop to be harvested by those who promise a level playing field.  We are seen as lucky and undeserving to those who, more and more, vote for their income.  The truth of our fragile household budgets has been obscured by class envy politics and promises of retribution.

As always, we are nothing without you, fellow Patriots.  Our connection is not made strong through the false mechanisms described above.  Our connection is to you, for you, and by your participation.  We are the PEOPLE, and we invite you to join us THIS Saturday to CELEBRATE LIBERTY!

Please forward this to EVERY like-minded Virginian you know.  The weather will be excellent, the timing is critical, and the impact is, well, up to you…

…because you are all we have to bring to the challenge, and you’ve always stepped up.  We’ve got a long election season ahead, Virginia.  Let’s show America that Liberty is as cherished in the Old Dominion today as she was over two centuries ago.  There’s just too much at stake.  Let’s Celebrate Liberty together, just a few days from now.


The Richmond Tea Party