************EVENT POSTPONED****************

Good afternoon,


Rather than risk a later notification tomorrow, we regrettably must postpone America 911 scheduled for tomorrow evening May 1.

An insurance rider needed to be at BSTC earlier than anticipated, Because school was not in session today, we were unable to get an answer about providing that insurance policy tomorrow, so we will postpone until the week of May 21.

As with everything that we do, all things must be done decently and in order.

Continue to make a difference and hope to see you at the rescheduled America 911 event in Bedford.



************EVENT POSTPONED****************

Fellow patriots,It is time to act; come and learn what to do.  The future of the United States of America – the future for our children and grand children will depend on our actions now.  We need to work together and organize.On Tuesday, May 1, 2012, America 911 will educate, activate, and motivate those in attendance.  Beginning at 7p at the Bedford Science and Technology Center, Gibson Memorial Auditorium, America 911explains the reasons for the deplorable condition of America in 2012 and specific ways for everyone aged 9 to 109 to become engaged in stopping the decline of American Greatness.

If you want to see America continue its decline, stay home!

However, if your patriotic heart says “Stand up, speak out, and make a difference,” be there!  Please make every effort to attend, share this

[message] with others, encouraging them to attend.  Our country needs us in this difficult hour.

There are only 2 other times in American history when the conditions were as serious: The Revolutionary War and the War Between the States.

Students 18 and under get in free, others are $10.

For a preview –