…while earning a cool $545,000.00 annually herself, tax free.

From the UK’s Daily Mail Online:

IMF boss condemns the Greek for avoiding tax. But Christine Lagarde pays NOTHING on earnings of £350,000

  • Questioned about Greek crisis head of IMF said country can help itself collectively ‘by paying all their tax’
  • Suggests that IMF’s money would be better spent on African children than on people in Athens
  • Lagarde takes home £298,675-a-year untaxed
  • Receives further tax-free allowance package of £52,000

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2151681/IMF-chief-Christine-Lagarde-pays-NO-TAX-300-000-salary-despite-attacking-Greece-dodging-payment.html#ixzz1wM5duc8d