VTP November Conference
Saturday, November 22, 2014 at the Richmond Omni

Mark your calendars now for the 2014 VTP November Conference! We will be opening registration soon!

Highlights of the Event include:

  • Friday Evening Networking Reception
  • 6 Hours of Leading Conservative Training
  • Radio Row with Breitbart and WAAR (We Are America Radio)
  • Numerous Exhibitors
  • Optional Networking Events and Receptions
  • Optional Sunday Breakfast with Historical Presentation of Reverend John Muhlenberg

Guest Speakers include:

  • Banquet Keynote, Dave Brat
  • Gov. Jim Gilmore
  • Melody Scalley Clarke from Heritage Action
  • Tim Daughtry co-author of Waking the Sleeping Giant

Details and a final agenda will be available in the next few weeks! See you in November!

Travis Witt
Chairman, VTTPF


Preliminary Fees to Attend:
Option 1: Full Event: 6 Hours of Sessions, Lunch Ticket, and Banquet Ticket
$115 Members                 $125 Non-members/Affiliate members

Option 2: Sessions and Lunch Ticket
$75 Members                   $85 Non-members/Affiliate Members

Option 3: Sessions and Dinner Ticket
$90 Members                   $100 Non-members/Affiliate Members

Option 4: Entry Only Ticket (no meals)
$50 Members                    $60 Non-Members

Option 5: Meal Only Tickets (no sessions)
Lunch:    $35 Members     $40 Non-members/Affiliate Members
Banquet: $60 Members     $65 Non-members/Affiliate Members