Carolyn Rocco discusses her experiences and concerns related to the U.S. military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, particularly its impact on service members who sought exemptions based on medical, religious, or personal beliefs. She explains that when the mandate was introduced in August 2021, there was considerable hesitation due to the vaccine’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) status and concerns about the government’s motivations. Rocco notes that although she applied for a medical exemption citing prior COVID-19 infection and antibodies, her request, along with thousands of others, was denied. She describes an arduous process involving denied religious exemptions, which often included a chaplain’s evaluation of an applicant’s sincerity. Most exemptions were only granted to those already planning to retire or leave the service.

Rocco also details legal battles, including multiple lawsuits filed against the Department of Defense (DoD) and individual chains of command. One significant case involved Judge McFarland, who issued a preliminary injunction that protected thousands of service members from the mandate’s consequences. Additionally, she highlights how the mandate affected trust in military leadership and led many to question the government’s intentions.

Following the eventual repeal of the mandate in 2023, Rocco and others signed the “Declaration of Military Accountability,” calling for accountability and reform within the DoD. The declaration, similar in tone to the Declaration of Independence, demands a restoration of constitutional rights and seeks to hold the military accountable for its actions during the mandate. Rob Green authored a related book, Defending the Constitution: Behind Enemy Lines, published on July 4, 2023, which captures various personal accounts from this period.

For those interested in supporting this movement, Rocco directs listeners to the website where they can sign a pledge of support and engage with local, state, and federal representatives to promote constitutional accountability.

Defending the Constitution: Behind Enemy Lines
Robert Green