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Fiscal Policy – A Primer on Debt and Deficit

By |2019-05-11T16:11:49-04:00December 10th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Economy, Featured, Government, Media, Videos|Tags: , , , |

Found this educational resource today on the debt and deficit. Its a 3-part series from John Taylor discusses the major components of fiscal policy and their effect on the US economy. This series covers the complexities of the budget process, the debt and deficit, and the economy and the deficit. Main Series Page The Budget Process The Debt and the Deficit The Economy and the Deficit If you'd like to brush up on your knowledge, or think that your [...]

Comments Off on Fiscal Policy – A Primer on Debt and Deficit “American Dream” Rally for Union “Solidarity”

By |2019-05-11T16:12:49-04:00March 1st, 2011|Categories: News, Videos|Tags: |

This past Saturday, and SEIU planned to have 1000 union members descend on Richmond to show their “solidarity” to the members of the union workers in Wisconsin occupying the state capitol building. Best laid plans being what they are, only around 150 people showed up. I say people rather than union members because most of the attendees were not in a union. No, they were your average everyday supporters of and simply got an email telling them to [...]