agenda 21

Post Mortem of HB1721 – Recorded Senate Votes!

By |2011-02-16T00:26:39-05:00February 16th, 2011|Categories: Legislative|Tags: , , |

HB 1721, which would make Urban Development Areas optional rather than mandatory, was defeated in the Senate today, but not without a lot of drama! First a quick history.  The bill passed the House subcommittee by a vote of 7-4, then the House Committee by a vote of 12-10, and then, finally, the full House by a vote of 61-38. The bill was then sent to the Senate Local Government Committee.  The committee was comprised of 8 Democrats and 7 [...]

Making Agenda 21 Optional HB1721 – ACTION ALERT

By |2011-02-15T10:44:21-05:00February 15th, 2011|Categories: Legislative|Tags: , , , , , |

This post was removed. It would appear that the information was incorrect and that Senator Mark Obenshain did in fact support this legislation. Senator Obenshain could not have done more to help us get this bill through and should be commended for his efforts. Donna Holt Our apologies Here is a detailed update about the bill: I do not have a correction ready but I'd like to set the record straight about Del. Athey's amendment. The amendment was was proposed [...]