We have decided to condense the time for the Healing of America seminar scheduled for March to make it easier for those who are traveling a distance to attend.  The seminar will be held on Saturday only, March 19th.  We will have a shorter break over lunch and continue the seminar while we are eating.  Please note we need early registrations because the caterer needs to have numbers for the lunches by March 4th. Attached is a flyer with the details of the event and a bio of the instructor.  Thank you for helping to extend this invitation to others. Hope to see you there!   Sue

The Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional

Studies invites you to attend the

“Healing of America” Seminar Series called

Attacks on the Charter of Freedom

Sadly, “the unhinging of America” has a real ring of truth in today’s political and economic climate.  Have you been wondering what’s really happening to our country and what you can do to get America back on track?

As you participate in the “Healing of America” series, you’ll study the people, organizations, and groups that are using their time and resources to try to change the direction of America to serve their own self-interests.  While avoiding focusing on the negative, this session will open your eyes as to how far our country has been allowed to drift from the Founder’s original principles.

You will receive documentation describing the 100 major problems facing America as a result of America’s abandonment of constitutional principles and will learn how the Founding Fathers forewarned us of these problems.

This is one of four essential seminars. It will be taught at:

Veterans of Foreign Wars

105 Memorial Lane

Lexington, VA

Saturday, March 19th 8 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.

How much is America and your Freedom worth to you?  Spend a little time and effort and join us for one of the most important seminars you will ever attend.

$39.00 per person if ordered by March 4th.  Price includes lunch & a personal workbook.  For more information and to purchase tickets, please contact:  Sue Brandt at 540-261-1643 or susangbrandt@gmail.com.  To ensure seats and lunch are available, call her as soon as possible.  $49 at the door.