Excerpt from a 1 February 2012 article titled “Citizens Speak out about Comp Plan”:

It looked as those in favor of Chesterfield County’s new draft countywide comprehensive  plan stayed home last Wednesday when the Board of Supervisors listened to comments  during a public hearing.

Over 30 citizens took to the podium to express their opinion of the draft plan that has cost more than a $1 million to produce and has taken three years to wind its way to Chesterfield’s Board of Supervisors. Only a few speakers expressed total support of the draft plan. One speaker focused on transportation; mostly public transportation routes.

Many of the speakers expressed their concern for the plan because of their opinion that the comprehensive plan is part of a wider effort called Agenda 21.

Agenda 21 is an action plan of the United Nations related to sustainable development and was an outcome of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in 1992. It is a comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken in every area in which humans directly affect the environment.

Area Tea Party groups have begun to speak out on their opposition to sustainable development, environment and property rights.

For more of the article, go to The Village News.