On today’s fifth anniversary of Obamacare, VQH continues to fight for the repeal of this pernicious law that takes away Americans’ freedom to be in charge of their own healthcare. Fortunately, the House is renewing their call for full and complete repeal of ObamaCare in order to “start over with healthcare reforms that protect the doctor-patient relationship and expand access to quality affordable healthcare,” said Rep Diane Black of Tennessee in a two-minute video previewing the budget. Those in Congress who support full repeal of Obamacare have signed a pledge. Today VQH sent out the press release below lauding our Virginia Representatives who signed the Pledge.

For Immediate Release

Virginians for Quality Healthcare commends VA Congressional Reps Brat, Comstock, Hurt and Rigell for signing Obamacare Repeal Pledge

Grassroots organization encourages Reps Beyer, Connolly, Forbes, Goodlatte, Griffith and Wittman, and Senators Kaine and Warner to sign the Pledge

CHANTILLY, VA, March 19, 2015 – On today’s fifth anniversary of Obamacare, Virginians for Quality Healthcare (VQH) praises VA Congressional Reps Brat, Comstock, Hurt and Rigell for signing the Obamacare Repeal Pledge. The grassroots organization encourages Reps Connolly, Forbes, Goodlatte, Griffith and Wittman, and Senators Kaine and Warner to sign the Pledge.

“On the five-year anniversary of Obamacare, Americans still want this destructive and tyrannical law repealed, and we applaud the Virginia representatives who have signed the Repeal Pledge,” said Susan Lider, a spokeswoman for VQH. “Although many people have been forced to sign up for this substandard health insurance, it certainly does not guarantee actual healthcare. In fact, many doctors and top-tier hospitals will not see patients with Obamacare insurance, rightly so, and draconian regulations are clamping down on everyone’s healthcare, not to mention the exorbitant cost of the Affordable Care Act on the entire economy.”

VQH encourages Virginians to contact their Congressional Representatives and Senators to ask them to sign the Repeal Pledge. Many of those in Congress across the nation who voted for Obamacare five years ago were not re-elected in 2010 and 2014 largely because of that vote. Those who wish to be re-elected in 2016 would be wise to sign the Pledge.

Virginians for Quality Healthcare (VQH) is a grassroots network of Virginia voters dedicated to increasing the quality of, and access to, medical care by promoting realistic, workable, free-market healthcare solutions, and by opposing destructive healthcare policies and programs. The organization contends that patients and doctors make the best healthcare decisions and do not require the approval of government agencies. VQH tells the truth about Obamacare and other top-down, government-based programs that limit personal choice, threaten personal and religious liberty, sap human dignity, and put people’s health in the hands of bureaucrats. Our efforts are informed by the work of research and advocacy organizations, such as Physicians for Reform. VQH champions protecting the doctor-patient relationship, the freedom of providers to pursue the best treatment plans for individual patients, and the freedom of citizens to make their own healthcare choices. For more information, please visit http://virginiansforqualityhealthcare.com

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Media Contact:

Press at Virginians for Quality Healthcare



If your Congressional Rep and Senator have signed the Repeal Pledge, please thank them. For those who did not sign the pledge, please ask them to do so.

Rep Don Beyer            202-225-4376

Rep Dave Brat             202-225-2815

Rep Barbara Comstock     202-225-5136

Rep Gerald Connolly   202-225-1492

Rep Randy Forbes      202-225-6365

Rep Bob Goodlatte      202-225-5431

Rep Morgan Griffith    202-225-3861

Rep Robert Hurt          202-225-4711

Rep Scott Rigell           202-225-4215

Rep Bobby Scott          202-225-8351

Rep Rob Wittman        202-225-4261

Sen Tim Kaine             202-224-4024

Sen Mark Warner         202-224-2023

Virginians for Quality Healthcare, an all-volunteer organization, now has the ability to accept donations. This will enable us to expand our advocacy and outreach to advance the cause of healthcare freedom for the benefit of all Virginians. Also, we welcome new members for our action team.