Learn to be EFFECTIVE

Hello Everyone,

We believe that attending and learning the information and skills from the Center for Self-Governance classes is one of the best ways to be an effective activist to bring about changes that are important to you and your families. The VTP strongly recommends that you attend these classes (must be attended in order). The JUNE CSG class schedule has been released, with classes centered around the Richmond area.

Center for Self Governance Mission: We exist to teach you how to Keep your Republic by rediscovering and effectively exercising  your civic authority.

About Center for Self Governance:  As citizens, we often lack the political knowledge, skills and ability to articulate our desire to make the policy changes necessary to keep our government to its proper role.  Modern civics training teaches conventional political theories. The Center for Self Governance teaches unconventional, tried and tested techniques in applied civics proven to Keep the Republic.  CSG training puts you, the citizen, in the drivers seat of self governance.  You choose the issues, candidates, and agendas to address, just as our government of, by, and for the people was designed.

Class Level Location / Date Details
Level 1 Goochland, Saturday, June 20
Level 2 Goochland, Friday June 19 FILE
Level 3 *** see below
Level 4 Hanover Tavern, Wednesday, June 17 FILE
Level 5 Hanover Tavern, Thursday, June 18 FILE


*** READY FOR LEVEL 3? Register for the level 2 class. Level 2 is now the old Level 3. (Your next class will be Level 4)

Register :https://www.centerforselfgovernance.com/?searchby=state&s=VA or let Carol know that you are coming and to which class stopcarol@gmail.com

Hope you will join our fabulous team of Citizen Seals who are truly making a HUGE difference in Virginia!