I’ve heard a cool rumor lately. Have you heard it, too? I heard that there have been sightings of real Americans rising and standing strong. I heard that amid our cities, towns, and countryside being overrun by left-wing hate groups, Americans have begun to fight back. During a time in our nation when everything under the sun is being looted, destroyed, and burned to the ground, Americans are rising. While we have witnessed innocent people being terrorized, beaten, hunted down and killed, Americans are undeterred and coming back strong. Even when we all witnessed our own police throughout the nation being ordered to stand down and allow these hate groups to overrun our streets abandoning law abiding citizens to mobs and their warlords, Americans are coming back to retake what no one can take away.

The Tea Party led the charge last month in a series of rallies throughout the state to support the rule of law and our police as well as our Republic. The King George Tea Party provided a beautiful forum for patriots to celebrate and reaffirm our freedoms of speech and religion. Throughout the event, the message was inspirational and reaffirming. In the 1st ever United We Stand Rally in Portsmouth, the Tea Party stood strong and resolute for our Constitutional Republic and even faced down the left-wing mob who descended on our rally and threatened to shut us down through intimidation and violence. As the sun set on that day, it was the mob who was led away in hand cuffs and the Tea Party who ruled the day. Americans are coming back. We are taking back our streets, our freedoms, our rights, our churches. We are taking backing our Constitution. We are taking back our Republic. We are backing our police and all divisions of law enforcement! We are taking back our shining city on the hill. We are taking back our nation!

This is the day we celebrate our constitution! But it is every day that we can chose to defend it. As many believe, including the enemies of our Republic, that silence is consent. Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act. God will not hold us blameless in our silence if evil takes over our society if we remain quiet. We have been placed on this earth by God’s loving and merciful grace for a reason. This is our time to fulfill that purpose. WE stand together, we stand united, & we stand as Americans for one another now and for all those future generations to come!

With Resolve and Faith,
Nelson Velez
Virginia Tea Party