The final battle with all its nastiness and betrayals is here. The Jackals are surrounding the lion and are going in for the kill. The enemies of our Republic have taken off their masks and have made clear their intent to destroy our nation. This war against America has been a center piece for the democrat party for a long time. In a different time in our history, they split a nation over the politics of their day. They divided our house risking all that was America and all that it could still be, over slavery. The attack on individual freedom and the spoils of power was front and center in 1854 when the Republican Party emerged explicitly to counter their view of slavery. The attack on freedom continues to this day. The war is being waged from the democrat left as it was in 1854 and its target is our freedom, our decency and our Republic…just as it was in 1854, it remains the central issue now in 2024.

America has been under assault in a cold war of attrition that attacks our moral foundation and our foundational constitutional law for a very long time. That war entered open lawlessness under the Clinton regime where the left openly mocked the idea that they would be held accountable to the same laws as the rest of us. Beginning in the early 1970’s, many good Democrats have been purged from the Democrat party by lawless thugs, hardcore Marxists, and insane people. By the end of the Clinton Presidency, the takeover by the thugs was near complete. The Democrat Party was a National Party No More, which just happens to be the title of the book written by a long-time successful Democrat leader named Zell Miller who lamented the passing of the democrat party as an American political institution. The lawlessness has simply progressed with hostile disregard to the constitution and decency which reached new heights with the election of Barack Obama. The terrible damage he initiated to our powerful Federal institutions was profound and remain in place to this day. He corrupted our military, our courts, the education system and our law enforcement. He utterly corrupted our medical care system with the scourge of Obama care. His most profound impact was publicly on display with the use of the IRS to target and destroy opponents to the radical left and his democrat party. The Tea Party was a very public victim to this historic level of abuse. Remember. So many federal bureaucracies across the spectrum was corrupted.

The DOJ has been weaponized to destroy not only political opponents, but for the 1st time in our history, the vast power of the government was used to destroy a presidential candidate. As we have witnessed, corrupt courts and corrupt persecutors have been unleashed to destroy the leading candidate against the party in power. President Trump has endured historic abuses of power and violations of his basic American civil rights. He has survived 2 assassination attempts within the last 2 months. The FBI and the courts have conspired against Trump to plant evidence, manufactured phantom crimes, and to ransack his home without just cause and with permission to use deadly force. The corrupt courts also attempted to remove Trump from the ballots. None of these unlawful and nasty measures have resulted in stopping Trump. That left the unthinkable as the last option. Assassination.

The left has already gone on a killing and burning spree in 2020 that left 66 innocent people dead. So they seem very comfortable with killing at this point with the democrat leaders and media priming the homicidal pump with indefensible hateful rhetoric. Just 2 months ago, an assassination was attempted on Trump. There is strong evidence that he was intentionally left vulnerable with very questionable Secret Service security. To date, questions on motive and the assassin’s political history remains undisclosed with the corrupt FBI taking over the investigation. Now, we have a second attempt to assassinate Trump by a left-wing democrat activist. They were not able to clean up this suspect’s internet history as they may have done with the previous assassin, because ample info on his left-wing democrat ideology and hatred towards Trump was quickly exposed. Because of the lack of trust in the FBI, Florida law enforcement has been ordered by Gov. DeSantis to investigate independently from the FBI. A prudent measure at the very least.

The left controls Trump’s security. There seems to be a serious conflict interest. It really seems that we have no choice but to view the left and its fascistic tactics as a clear and present danger to our nation and our survival as a Republic.
This is what a nation looks like when it loses its freedom. This is what our Republic looks like when domestic enemies take over and declare war against it. This is what America looks like when we become Venezuela.

This is our beloved nation, our treasured Republic, and our precious future that is in the crosshairs. It is our duty to fight and defeat these domestic enemies and it is our duty to restore our Republic. We can do this without becoming them. WE must do so legally in overwhelming fashion. It is my hope that the beginning of the end for the left-wing fascist will be with our vote. And we look to win in overwhelming fashion for that clear mandate that will be needed. Then the purging, arresting and the charging of these people will initiate the process of restoring our lost Republic and imposing justice and the law against those who committed crimes of treason/subversion against America. We win this time… for there will not be a next time. It is time for the lion to rise up against the jackals and, once and for all, utterly devastate them.

With Resolve and Commitment,
Nelson Velez