It’s just been 2 months since Trump took office and our journey towards America’s Golden Age began in earnest. It’s just amazing how quickly the calamity, chaos and fatal damage that was being imposed on all of us was confronted and ended almost overnight. In the horrific open borders policy, the good outcomes actually were overnight. It is such a relief that our national nightmare has come to an end after 4 horrible years of destruction and suffering. The American Republic won and lives on. And we are winning. Our winning streak is still streaking! But remember history, when we win, we think it’s done and we go home. But for the enemy, win or lose, they stay fighting an endless war against the good.
So remember 4 years ago, when the democrats openly stole the 2020 election, despite the republic ending crimes that they committed to steal power from the people, they continued to relentlessly drive their agenda. They turned the FBI into their very own American Gestapo and pursued their prosecution of the J-6 patriots who rose to stop the steal of our republic and proceeded to enact the greatest and most expensive man hunt in our history to arrest everyone that happen to be in DC that day. It was a 1st for our nation as we witnessed the FBI target the political opponents of the sitting president and jail them with charges not founded in established law. It was also the 1st time the leading candidate to the president in power was targeted by law enforcement and the courts for destruction. The DC & NY courts exposed themselves to be corrupt and under democrat control. It seemed that they went after everyone that was sane, conservative and good. Pro-life pastors, grandmothers, patriots, veterans, concerned parents that show up at school meetings, and even Catholics. They even conspired with social media to silence American voices. The freedom purge on Americans knew no bounds. The left emerged as the fascistic threat they warned us about, only they were the fascists. This has been one of our darkest times and this election had been our last real chance to restore our Republic. It really was the most consequential election for our nation.
Now here we are having vanquished these monsters from the halls of power. We feel good and rightly so. But You do know that they are still there lurking in the shadows creating dissent and fomenting chaos. Trump is performing God’s work in finishing the job, but we must also be there engaged and prepared to do what it takes to eliminate this immediate threat to our nation. Right now, this means to vote in good people and vote out the bad. In Virginia, it means that we must choose wisely who we support when we vote and we must, at least for now, not vote for any democrat, anywhere, for any position. This is how we end their reign of terror and this is how we herald in the golden age of America right now, and for American generations to come.
With Relief and Resolve,
Nelson Velez