We have just scant weeks before everything, everywhere changes. One way or the other, for good or evil, everything changes, and things come to an end, for our future and maybe, even for our past. On that fateful and tragic day of Jan. 6th 2021, the sun did set on our Republic when we allowed the subversive left to steal the 2020 election and pervert the actual results from the winning Trump campaign to Biden, disenfranchising millions of honest and legal voters with no recourse. The question now is, can we restore our Constitution and realize the sun rising for our Republic, once again. We are facing terrible odds, but now, just weeks before the final election day, we still have hope that is reasonable that the good guys can win in overwhelming fashion. And with that victory, begin the critical purging of the left-wing threat to our Republic and restore our nation as free, strong and to return to the rule of law and the clean and honest standard of merit.

If the election is stolen once again, then we must figure out a way to return our nation to a republican form of government, but we must initially do so as a parallel governance and economy. We would exist as pockets of freedom sanctuaries for God given rights and in support of the rule of law. We would also operate a separate parallel free market for businesses to thrive and innovate. We would set up education sanctuaries to preserve our history, self-evident truths and traditions for future generations. Without this established place holder to maintain the promise of a return to our Republic, we would quickly flounder and lose those rights and freedoms in time, as many civilizations before us. We would enter a dark time for our nation and the world. The last couple of decades enduring the horrors of the Obama, Biden regimes, we already have a clear but dark glimpse of this brave new world and it is not good. Hopefully this dystopian nightmare will not come to pass. The path away from this dark destination is for us voting in overwhelming numbers to swamp the left-wing fraud machine. We have to vote in such numbers that the election will be too big to rig.

But if we do win. If we overcome the fraud. If Americans come out in such numbers rejecting the corrupt media narratives, and the good guys win, then we would need to move quickly to undo the deliberate and devastating damage inflicted by Biden/Harris over the last several years. We already have the good vetted people in place to take over critical positions in the Trump administration. They are locked and loaded, with resolve and expertise, to reverse and eliminate the cesspool of policies that have destroyed our economy, energy production, facilitated the global wars and chaos, destroyed women’s sports, encouraged record crime and opened up our borders to every evil under the sun. That plan is already in place. Project 2025 was so devised to do just that which explains the artificially pumped-up hysteria and fake accusations against this project. It is the blueprint to eliminate all the tentacles of fascism and tyranny that has choked out our Republic to oblivion. It is dedicated to eliminate rogue agencies and rein in abusive bureaucracies. On day 1, it is where we start under the auspices of recommendations of over 100 conservative groups working with the Heritage Foundation providing guidelines and direction on what to do, how to do it and why it must be done. We have one chance and it is down to this election.

May God grant us the wisdom to make good judgements, the strength to shoulder the burden and the courage to not falter in the gathering darkness. It is my fervent hope that, as Americans, we can gather to celebrate the rising of the sun on our restored Republic.

With Resolve and Courage,
Nelson Velez