For Immediate Release                                                                                            February 23, 2012

Contact: Mark Daugherty                                                                                                                540-885-5627

Email:                                                                                                540-255-1431

Obamacare Repeal Petition Gaining Momentum
Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation Petitioning US Supreme Court

(Richmond, VA) – “The Obamacare petition is gaining momentum,” said Mark Daugherty, Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation, Chairman. “Polls show most Americans oppose Obamacare and nearly 2,000 of them signed our petition the first ten days.”

The Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation has created an online petition asking the U.S. Supreme Court to find the Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional and strike down the law. The goal is to collect one million signatures by May.

The Court has proved susceptible to public opinion in the past. One current sitting justice is believed to be particularly sensitive to public sentiment. Therefore, encouraging as many citizens to sign the petition as possible could potentially make a difference in the outcome of this case.

Sign the petition here:

The petition may also be signed via widget on the Virginia Federation and national Tea Party Patriots websites –

Tell your friends and family! Announce on Facebook when you sign the petition. You can also share with friends straight from the petition. And, if you want to share with more friends, then post the link on your page, or tweet the link on Twitter. Let’s hit the 1,000,000 mark by May.

The Federation was assisted in this effort by the Alexandria Tea Party. To obtain the embed code to place the petition widget on your website, or to subscribe to the Alexandria Tea Party Obamacare News Feed (which provides stories three times per week documenting the effects of the law), please contact:

The Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation is a coalition of 41 independent Tea Party and patriot groups that stand for fiscal responsibility, Constitutionally-limited government, and free market principles.

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