About 60-70 leaders from various statewide tea party member organizations met on a sunny Saturday in downtown Richmond at the Crowne Plaza Hotel to listen to various speakers and share information/strategy. New for this meeting was that we had a live broadcast of  BlogTalkRadio by Craig “the Hatchet Man” Johnson, with a couple live interviews of meeting attendees! We heard about topics like:

  • Engaging Millennials from Elliot Harding
  • Legislative update/CoLA committee report on the 2017 General Assembly session from Carol Stopps
  • The need to remain unafraid and speak truth from Craig Johnson
  • Many tea party victory stories from across the Commonwealth from several group leaders
  • A fantastic presentation on The (liberty!) Philosophy Behind the Republican Creed from state delegate Nick Freitas

We also conducted our private business meeting to give operational updates and to discuss some go-forward strategy items. Of note is that we identified a new volunteer to fill the much-needed events chairman position.

One of the items discussed was how to stay abreast of Federation happenings/stay informed. Here’s a recap of the various methods all TP member groups and supporters should activate:

We’d like to thank our gracious exhibitor table sponsors FreedomWorks and the Ed Gillespie and Corey Stewart campaigns for helping to make the event possible. If you weren’t there…you missed a good one! Stay tuned to our communications to plan to attend the next summit meeting!

Additionally, we are sponsoring a Candidate Forum on April 22nd at Goochland County High School …be sure check out the event calendar for more details!

Event Pictures can be found on Flickr.

VTP February 2017 Summit Meeting