From Deb Giffin, Treasurer, VATP
Here are some of the worst bills put forward by this General Assembly so far, clustered by areas of interest. If one or more areas is of interest to you, please take the time to review these bills and let your Delegate and Senator know what you think of them! These are links to the bill summary where you can read them for yourselves, see who the patrons are, and which committee they are assigned to.
Second Amendment:
HB567 (stops indoor shooting ranges)
HB568 (secure storage in cars)
HB599 (no carry in state bldgs.)
HB674 (red flag)
HB856 (red flag)
SB372 (red flag)
HB961 (Assault firearms)
SB16 (assault firearms)
HB1079 (possession in Capitol Sq.)
HB1502 (1 gun a month)
SB353 (outdoor shooting ranges)
HB153 (repeal right to work)
HB327 (state/local employee unionization)
HB582 (public empl. collective bargaining)
SB426 (non-union member fees)
HB615 (min. wage to 10.10/hr)
SB7 (min. wage increments to 15/hr)
SB73 (min. wage increments to 15/hr)
HB691 (regulation of prescript. drug costs)
HB785 (removes caps on local taxing rates)
SB484 (removes caps on local taxing rates)
SB637 (reinstates Estate Tax)
HB145 (transgender policies)
HB521 (repeals Educ. Improv. Scholarships Tax Credits)
HB1012 (Early childhood care moved to Education from Soc. Serv.)
HB1091 (Makes K-12 teacher income non-taxable)
HB20 (carbon trading RGGI)
HB206 (replaces the Electric Utility Reg. Act with the Commission on Retail Electric Choice)
HB672 (all regs. have to address impact on climate change)
HB704 (policies to promote environmental justice, creates a Council to advise the Gov.)
HB714 (net-zero carbon economy by 2050, Virginia Energy Plan)
HB981 (CO2 cap and trade)
HB1192 (Regulation of aboveground storage tanks)
SB626 (Regulation of aboveground storage tanks)
HB1295 (taxing electric utilities for fossil fuel investments)
HB1526 (mandatory renewal portfolio system, mandatory energy efficiency, rate controls, 100% carbon free electricity by 2025)
SB94 (Commonwealth Energy Policy, zero carbon by electric utilities by 2040, net zero carbon economy by 2050)
HB1151 (local ban or tax on plastics and polystyrene)
SB193 (local ban or tax on plastics and polystyrene)
SB354 (electric utility mandatory savings, efficiencies)
Equity, First Amendment, and “Equality”
HJ1 (Ratification of the ERA)
SJ1 (Ratification of the ERA)
HB1200 (Human Rights Act, expanded discrimination)
HJ114 (study removal/replacement in the Code with gender neutral language)
SJ2 (Constitutional amendment for personal reproductive rights)
HR6 (Replaces Day of Tears with Day of Women)
HB980 (expands who can perform abortions, removes all but written consent)
SB21 (removes parental consent, ultrasound, facility standards)
SB635 (fundamental right to reproductive choice, what to do with a pregnancy)
SB449 (abolishes the death penalty)
Culture and Laws
HB244 (protection from ICE for non citizens charged and/or convicted of crimes)
HB1150 (protection from ICE for non citizens charged and/or convicted of crimes)
HB1211 (DMV licenses and ID documents without citizenship/legal status)
SB643 (DMV licenses and ID documents without citizenship/legal status)
HB565 (driver privilege cards for non- citizens)
SB34 (driver privilege cards for non-citizens)
HB1209 (Office of New Americans created)
HB1519 (study of slavery and recommended economic remedies)
HJ113 (removes constitutional definition of marriage approved in 2006)
SB50 (racial discrimination defined to include hairstyles)
HB1537 (authority for localities to remove monuments and war memorials)
SB560 (authority for localities to remove monuments and war memorials)
SB612 (removes R.E. Lee from US Capitol’s statuary hall)
HB1305 (Removes Harry F. Byrd’s statue from the Capitol)
HB591 (Replaces Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day)
HR6 (Replaces Day of Tears with Day of Women)
Mental Health, Drugs and other substances:
HJ130 (committee to study regulating legal cannabis)
HB87 (legalization of simple marijuana possession, plus regulation and taxation)
HB265 (decriminalization of half ounce of marijuana)
HB269 ((legalization of simple marijuana possession, plus regulation and taxation)
HB301 (decriminalization with civil penalty)
HB1120 (raises cigarette and tobacco taxes)
HB1338 (prohibits smoking in any multi-residential unit)
HB1507 (exception of marijuana from controlled substances)
Local and National Elections, Redistricting
HB1 (no excuse absentee voting)
HB25 (no excuse absentee voting)
SB45 (no excuse absentee voting)
SB46 (removes supporting info.on absentee ballot)
HB18 (absentee and in-person early voting)
HB19 (repeal of photo ID)
SB219 (automatic voter registration at DMV unless declined)
HB199 (National popular vote)
SB399 (National popular vote)
HJ34 (Constitutional amendment, Va Redistricting Commission)
HJ71 (Constitutional amendment, Va Redistricting Commission)
SJ12 (Constitutional amendment, Va Redistricting Commission)
SB358 (Constitutional amendment, Va Redistricting Commission and reapportionment every 10 years)
HJ80 (restoration of felon voting rights)
HJ86 (16 year olds allowed to vote locally)
SJ8 (felons and incompetents allowed to vote)
SJ14 (felon voting rights restored by law)
A few good items:
HB161 (Broad concealed carry OK)
HB1382 (waiver of sovereign immun.)
HB934 (Sanctuary localities)
SB928 (protect guns in “sanctuary” counties if legal on 1.1.20)
HB678 (Parental Choice ESAcct.)
HB686 (penalty for killing a fetus)
SJ16 (General Assembly term limits)