It is now July. We are an occupied nation. The Crime syndicate that committed the worst act of treason in American history in the annihilation of our free and open elections in 2020 has taken over power in opposition to millions of legal honest clean votes. The majority of Americans did not vote for their radical and insane agenda. They did not vote for a commander in thief. We know what they did. They know that we know. We cannot allow this coup to stand. So what do we do?
There are groups in the state and in the nation that are countering the full throttle voter fraud that determined the outcome of the 2020 elections. In our state, natural allies have been working in concert to restore election integrity and prevent the voter fraud operations that are in place to ensure democrat only rule in Virginia. I have always made it a priority to celebrate and support all freedom groups. For over the last decade, it has been my chosen path to identify and work with allies to defeat the powerhouse horror that the democrats have become.
The Virginians for America First is just one of these allies and is working out a multi-phase attack on the Democrat voter fraud operations in Virginia. Their initiative to ensure clean and open elections appears to be a strong and viable one. We and other allies are working as good coalition partners taking on the left on multiple fronts. It is depended on us to be involved in the election process now. For Virginia to return to honest elections, we have to be in the belly of the beast before it starts to devouring legal votes by the thousands. We have a plan. We need you. We have the armies of the willing to take on the corrupt Democrat machine that has taken over Virginia, but we need you now. Contact your GOP chair to get further details on becoming poll watchers and election officers. You can also contact the individual campaigns directly to become a poll watcher to directly report to them on behalf of clean and honest elections. Glen Youngkin has a particularly strong and robust counter fraud operation. This is our pathway to blowing up the voter fraud operations. We need to be where the fraud is taking place and to be trained to recognize it, prevent it and to frustrate Democrats from stopping us in real time. Also, take a look at Virginians for America First at, look over their mission and overview to get a feel for what is being enacted now. Time to join the good people as they rise up for what may be their last chance to purge the insane and the criminal from the halls of power in Richmond. If the Democrats retain power, we may not get another realistic chance to after this election. We need all of us together on this now. Contact us for any concerns or questions and on the various fronts we are advancing on. We are in the fight of our lives for freedom. We are fighting for America. And that fight for this nation begins this year and it begins here in Virginia.
With Solemn Goodwill and Resolve,
Nelson Velez
Virginia Tea Party