General Assembly Lobby Day 2015 – Be There!
It's that time again...time for Lobby Day at the General Assembly in Richmond on Monday, January 19th!
It's that time again...time for Lobby Day at the General Assembly in Richmond on Monday, January 19th!
The VA Tea Party Patriots Federation opposes any new legislation that further expands government or increases spending until after a full audit of Virginia state government; the elimination of waste, fraud, and abuse; and a substantial reduction in the Commonwealth's dependency on Federal funds. (Currently, Federal funds are 38% of the Virginia budget not including loan guarantees or the proposed expansion of Medicaid) We will continue to oppose any new taxes, fees, tax credits, grants, and bonding authority until waste, [...]
If you aren't able to join us in-person on Saturday, November 21st for our annual conference, you can attend remotely! We're offering a webcast of the event via Livestream, so you don't have to miss any of the great content. We'll start the broadcast at 10:00 AM. Join the broadcast here: We hope to "see" you there!
I’ve seen posted all over the Interwebs that the massive wave election this November was an indication that the people like the job that the GOP leadership is doing, specifically that The People showed their preference for “moderate” candidates over Constitutional conservatives. ...
The annual conference will be held on Friday 11/21 - Saturday 11/22. Please register now to secure your seat at the conference! Details and registration info can be found HERE.
We believe strongly that taking the courses from the Center for Self-Governance is one of the best ways to learn to be an effective activist. The courses are to be taken in order (required), with each student progressing up through the classes until co...
The numbers are not adding up regarding Capital Improvement Plans in Chesterfield County, to the point that the Chesterfield Observer is now covering the controversy. There’s millions of dollars in funding that to-date can’t be properly explained…and when I say “funding”...
Mark your calendars now for the 2014 VTP November Conference! We will be opening registration soon!
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On Thursday night (9/25/2014), RTP held its monthly meeting for September, and it was great to see everyone in our new meeting location! We heard that there were a few that found it hard to find the location, so we’ll be sure to share more specific information so that you can find us for our N...