Streaking into The Golden Age!
It's just been 2 months since Trump took office and our journey towards America's Golden Age began in earnest. It's just amazing how quickly the calamity, chaos and fatal damage that was being imposed on [...]
Draining the deep cesspool of the Swamp, Something Golden this Way Comes!
Maybe, once upon a time, the US Government agencies funneling our national life's blood to good causes were fairly clean and dutiful, but those days have been long gone. You would think that the swamp [...]
We the People…are coming!
We have been witnessed to an astonishing passage of historic events throughout this century. This past year has been especially extraordinary and quite the ride. One for the ages. It seems like decades that we [...]
General Assembly Begins Monday – The Unintended Consequences of a Constitutional Amendment
The Virginia General Assembly session begins Monday. Some important timely info from our friends over at the Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance: In physics and chemistry and many other sciences, we are guided by the [...]
Join us for VCDL Lobby Day 2025 on January 20th!
Join us on January 20th for the annual VCDL rally and Lobby Day at the General Assembly!
On January 6th, 2021, the selfless efforts by patriotic Americans to stop the steal of our elections and save our Republic was lost. We had gathered at the capitol on the faithful day knowing full [...]
The Morning Rises on our Republic, Once Again
Yes Virginia, the good guys can still win. Also, the insane, the thugs, the predators, the Marxists, the rioters, looters and assorted criminals can still lose. The Democrats, despite winning on all fronts, despite being [...]
Join us November 23rd for our Winter “Aftermath” Summit! (Promo video)
Join us Saturday for an important summit meeting following the election!
Video: SIP #52 – Accountability of Leadership Over Illegal COVID Mandates
Carolyn Rocco discusses her experiences and concerns related to the U.S. military's COVID-19 vaccine mandate, particularly its impact on service members who sought exemptions.
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