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McAuliffe’s Capricious Governing

By |2014-06-22T22:51:30-04:00June 20th, 2014|Categories: Featured, Healthcare, News|Tags: , |

While Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe’s supporters are celebrating his pushing ahead with Medicaid expansion, they should ask themselves a question. “So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause?” In the Governor’s press conference he made it clear.  If you are an elected official, he doesn’t care what you think.  You can either join him, or […]

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Governor to Unilaterally “move forward” on Medicaid Expansion

By |2014-06-22T22:52:02-04:00June 20th, 2014|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: , |

As reported by Michael Martz in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe said at a press conference in Richmond this morning that he will sign the state budget recently submitted to him by the General Assembly but will exercise his line item veto authority to: Veto an amendment that denies him the authority to […]

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