Maureen Cooney

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So far Maureen Cooney has created 7 blog entries.

Governor to Unilaterally “move forward” on Medicaid Expansion

By |2014-06-22T22:52:02-04:00June 20th, 2014|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: , |

As reported by Michael Martz in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe said at a press conference in Richmond this morning that he will sign the state budget recently submitted to him by the General Assembly but will exercise his line item veto authority to: Veto an amendment that denies him the authority to […]

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Constituents Blast Senator Marsden: Decouple Medicaid Expansion from the Budget

By |2014-06-22T22:56:15-04:00June 7th, 2014|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: , |

Last Saturday, State Senator David W. Marsden (D, VA-37) hosted a Town Hall at the Chantilly public library. Though he is a Democrat and a proponent of Medicaid expansion in Virginia, he encouraged those opposed to Medicaid expansion to attend and voice their views. 40+ citizens attended the 10 AM–noon town hall. Senator Marsden seemed […]

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VQH Town Hall: Grace-Marie Turner, Galen Institute

By |2019-05-11T16:12:05-04:00June 1st, 2014|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: , |

Grace-Marie Turner, the President of the Galen Institute, concluded the VQH Forum with a presentation entitled Moving Forward With Fresh Ideas and a New Vision for Health Reform. Ms. Turner founded the Galen Institute in 1995 to promote a conversation over free-market ideas in the health sector. Ms. Turner pointed out that Obamacare has been changed 40 […]

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VQH Town Hall: Dr. Gray, Physicians for Reform

By |2019-05-11T16:12:05-04:00June 1st, 2014|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |

This fourth of five summaries in the series covers the presentation by C.L. Gray, a medical doctor, founder and President of Physicians for Reform. Dr. Gray provided a riveting description of various medical philosophies and ethical practices that have evolved from the days of Plato in early Greek culture to the present day. To make his point about […]

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VQH Townhall: Hadley Heath

By |2014-05-31T16:49:03-04:00May 31st, 2014|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: , |

This third summary of the VQH Townhall in Alexandria covers the presentation by Hadley Heath, a Senior Policy Analyst for the Independent Women’s Voice. She addressed the adverse effects of Obamacare on younger generations and the principles that should guide alternatives to Obamacare for these younger generations. She began by describing the numerous changes in life that young people in their 20s experience, including a […]

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Town Hall Speaker Delegate Mark Berg

By |2019-05-11T16:12:05-04:00May 26th, 2014|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: , |

Virginians for Quality Healthcare, along with the Independent Women’s Network and Fairfax Free Citizen, sponsored a forum with five healthcare experts addressing Market Alternatives to Obamacare on May 8 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Old Town in Alexandria, VA. More than 150 people attended the event. The 5 healthcare experts who participated in the forum included Congressman Tom Price, M.D. (R-GA) Delegate Mark Berg, […]

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More than 150 Attend VQH Town Hall with Tom Price

By |2019-05-11T16:12:05-04:00May 21st, 2014|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: , , |

Virginians for Quality Healthcare, along with the Independent Womens’ Network and Fairfax Free Citizen, sponsored a forum with five healthcare experts addressing Market Alternatives to Obamacare on May 8th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Alexandria, VA. More than 150 people attended the event. The five healthcare experts who participated in the town hall…continued

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