It has always been the most precious of things since the beginning of life. It is our human freedom. In the entire history of mankind, it is Man’s freedom that has been the rarest of treasures and, yet the most fleeting of gifts. And it is a gift. A divine gift and like all gifts, it can be cherished and protected or given away and forgotten. In our nation, it has been the divine gift that kept on giving. From the birth of our nation, freedom has been embraced and that belief in God given rights ushered forth a new nation predicated on those rights and freedoms like no nation before or since. It has been our birth right. It has been a treasure that has been bled over by many who have come before us and It is a treasure that awaits all future generations to come, unless it is finally lost by us.

There is a competing ideology that has now appeared on our political landscape. It is in the scepter of socialism and its dark premise of government control over individual freedom. For us, we have always looked to those escaping the horrors of socialism/communism for a real-world point of reference to expose the terrible losses and the false promises of that failed ideology. But we now can truly say we have gotten a good taste of socialism in this country. Over the past 2 months we’ve experienced food shortages, scarcity of basic essentials, long lines, we have witnessed the great toilet paper crisis unfold like, well, like toilet paper. Exploding debt, massive government spending and soaring unemployment, all of it, is the enduring legacy of socialism. We have been told to shut up, go home, stay on room restriction and don’t even think about gathering to criticize our elected officials. We have been ordered out of our houses of worship. Our pastors are threatened for having services in their parking lots. Our great free market economy has been shutdown with businesses fined and owners jailed for providing services and goods all the while we are emptying our jails of dangerous real criminals. The governor picks who’s important and essential and who is not, all the while dictating law bypassing pesky details like separation of powers and our own elected legislative representatives. We have been utterly miserable and lost. That is what socialism looks like in Corona Era America.

If any of this is not to be the new normal, then we must reclaim what was never theirs to take away. We have each other and despite what our Governor might proclaim, we are all essential! We have very fine and strong groups already among us that have been the great sentinels of freedom. Stay in touch with them and each other now. Resolve to connect with us, with your own local tea party groups. It is for us to link arms with one another (I know, we are at risk of attacks from those social distance Nazis!) as fierce freedom fighters and for freedom movement groups of all kinds to coalesce into coordinated fighting allied armies. For this is a battle worth fighting and it is a war that must be won now for all of our sakes and for the sake of future generations to come.

With Resolve with Very Clean Hands,

Nelson Velez


Virginia Tea Party