Every year in Virginia, an election. Every year, campaigns, candidates and noise. Every year, decisions and every year, the stakes rise. Every year, dire warnings that not winning will bring all of us to bad ends. This year, is no exception, outwardly, but it is different. Past elections have not gone well for America and the consequences of that have played out just as we have been warned. We now can all see the tidal wave of disaster building and becoming apparent to even the most fervent reality denier to see. We are under the gun and that gun has fired wrecking terrible harm and damage. From our increasingly lawless streets, to the reckless spending, to the weaponization of our government institutions, to the deliberate destruction of our sovereign border, to attacks on our children in the classroom as the obscene and radical left-wing ideology is imposed on defenseless children, we have witnessed the degradation of all facets of American civilization and freedoms. In Virginia, we have had a counter to these relentless left-wing assaults. We have won in a rigged system and overcame the systemic voter fraud that democrats voted in place when they had control of all branches of government. Our Virginia Miracle proved that it was possible to overcome the left’s fascistic control of government if good people unite and if the armies of the willing stood together. Now in 2023, we must finish the job to make all the sacrifices and effort of the past three years pay off. We finish it this year. And here’s the winning pathway to add to the house and take over the senate in the general assembly. Let me present to you Operation Surgical Strike!

Like most things, there is nothing new under the sun. The trick is to reach in and pull an idea out at the right time for the right thing. So with every election we do our best to help good people win to represent us in our communities. We help campaigns to elect people we can vote for. Makes perfect sense. We only have so much time and money. But for this year, let’s look beyond our communal borders. Let’s look at saving Virginia, for in the end, we need to purge the extreme and insane left-wing radicals out of power and remove from our laws, all the nasty and damaging legislation that the left imposed on all of us. Throughout Virginia, there will be precincts and districts whose races are already over. Those who reside in those areas know the reasons that the race will not be a competitive one. So money, time and resources spent there will be wasted. In many or most races in every election, the results are already clear barring some major incident. So for those people and groups, I offer an option. Look to engaging in the most competitive races nearest you. If you reside within such a location, then you work for that good outcome in that race and help others that are not in your district, but who reside in a nearby district whose race is not competitive, to help tip the balance in your competitive race. If you don’t reside in a competitive district, then find the closest one that is and become involved. Ideally, it should be close enough that it would be easy to meet with the candidates and help with door knocking and attending events. Sometimes, it’s only a matter of crossing the street. This will be an effort that will involve the armies of the willing. So contact your local Tea Party. Contact us. We need to be in contact to make this work well. We have a shrinking window to reverse all the damage done. It has to be done this year. Fortunately, we are not alone. We have friends.

For the last several years, I have met with many groups throughout the state that are our natural allies. The common ground remains our belief in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the reality that our freedoms and our Republic is under assault from enemies that have joined together both foreign and domestic. These group leaders have met regularly over the last couple of years and have united to overcome the left-wing strangle hold on our state and nation. We broke bread, we worked together, we have won and we trust one another. Operation Surgical Strike was presented to these groups and they have unanimously endorsed and supported it and will help coordinate this effort with their membership and in unison with one another. So the info on each shifting race will be funneled through the Virginia Conservative Coalition which will provide updates to the groups to determine the most competitive races where just a little outside help can tip the balance. The updates and info can be funneled through the Virginia Tea Party through our website. Contact us and we can send all the updated info to the Virginia Conservative Coalition where it will be distributed far and wide to our friends. This is just an overview. In our Enemies Seen & Unseen Summit on June 10th 2023 at the Sheraton Richmond Airport Hotel, our Death Star will become fully operational, but just between you and me, it already is. This year, we will finish the job!

With Appreciation & Gratitude,
Nelson Velez
Virginia Tea Party