Oh, for the good, the sane and the truthful American, it’s just your Cup of Tea as it was in 1773 and still remains so in 2023.

So how do you come up with good battle plans and strategies to defeat an enemy that controls almost all forms of communication, education and entertainment? How do you overcome the left’s relentless undermining of our election and corrupting our vote? And that’s not mentioning the violent hate groups that have been busy putting Americans in their place, shutting them down, shutting them up and all-around terrorizing targeted Americans everywhere. The natural way for us to inflict justice is by charging people for the crimes committed. We have seen an astonishing transformation of our law enforcement as these agencies repeatedly provide cover for left-wing criminal activist while at the same time they enforce or create trumped up charges against Americans with whom they or their democrat overlords disagree. So we are constantly being marginalized, criminalized and terrorized and these actions are becoming a new normal. Unfortunately, these abuses of power have yet to become exploding headline news and because of that, the rise of political thugs, warlords and the clear and present danger of the privileged left has been astronomical and breath taking.

What is a normal, sane and law-abiding American patriot to do? And mind you, while we are struggling with the lawlessness of the left, the pervert activists have already publicly proclaimed that they are coming after our children. Well, fortunately, as it happens, we do have viable and honest media emerging. From the Epoch Times, to News-max, to Washington Times to all the decentralized info freedom sites on the internet, we do have good choices that are established and credible. WE have places for good honest reporting. We also can testify that when we and our natural allies work together, we can witness incredible miracles as a result. The Virginia Miracle that saw the democrats go down in flames a few years ago come nicely to mind.

As for us, we have been advancing on all fronts. On the boundless internet sea, The Virginia Tea Party launched our presence on multiple social media platforms a few years back and that has really increased our impact, reach and influence. Rumble remains one of the few outlets that honors free speech and does not censor for the sake of left-wing cancel culture activists. So we are there and on Facebook. WE are returning to YouTube, but until they suffer pain and consequences for their attack on freedom of speech, I’m not confident of our long term stay there. So, look for our shows. They are acclaimed for their content and lively engagement of the topics and with you.

Splash of Tea is our program that is the centerpiece. It is where we interview serious and important people of consequence. SIP of Tea and Spot of Tea are our rapid release and shorter shows that need to come out fast and furious on the emerging crisis issues of the day or on stuff that is topical. You will see Splash of Tea interviews with Atty. Gen. Miyares, Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears, our own Gov. Glen Youngkin. WE have interviewed some of the most powerful and engaged people in our state and it’s all there in Rumble and Facebook. It is all there at vatp.org that gets you started, but we are not finished yet. We have good stuff coming and it is a great way to keep us connected and involved with each other. That level of connection, believe me, will come into play soon. So check these programs, connect with good people, good groups and the tea party and engage. We finish the job now.

With Appreciation and Gratitude,

Nelson Velez
