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Pictures from Saturday’s Fall Meeting Now Available
Photo gallery of the fall summit now available!
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Photo gallery of the fall summit now available!
A huge thanks to all attendees, candidates, sponsors, and volunteers who made the debate a success today! **A very special thanks to Goochland High School’s Young Conservative Club for their assistance with the debate! We wanted to share the results from the straw poll conducted during the debate, and to offer some photos from the auditorium (please feel free to grab/download and use however you wish). Straw Poll Results: Governor Lt. Governor Ed Gillespie - 125 Corey Stewart - [...]
About 60-70 leaders from various statewide tea party member organizations met on a sunny Saturday in downtown Richmond at the Crowne Plaza Hotel to listen to various speakers and share information/strategy. New for this meeting was that we had a live broadcast of  BlogTalkRadio by Craig "the Hatchet Man" Johnson, with a couple live interviews of meeting attendees! We heard about topics like: Engaging Millennials from Elliot Harding Legislative update/CoLA committee report on the 2017 General Assembly session from Carol Stopps [...]
A huge thanks to our attendees, sponsors, representatives, and volunteers who helped make the summit meeting Saturday a success!  If you were unable to attend the event, you can catch a brief photo recap here: Flickr Album Hope to catch you for the next one! Be sure to stay tuned here and watch our calendar for news about the next upcoming events...we'll be scheduling them and posting very soon. And don't forget....if you'd like to be our events coordinator, we need [...]
We had a great event on Saturday June 4th, with over 100 in attendance ("the tea party is dead")! So many came that we even had to break out more chairs from storage...a good problem to have and we appreciate your enthusiasm! Some of the days activities: Attorney General candidates who addressed the gathering of Patriots were John Adams, Chuck Smith and Rob Bell Also attending and participating as sponsors were Lt. Gov. candidates State Senators Jill Vogel and Bryce [...]
Wednesday, April 20th saw the grassroots come together to create a great event. Through the efforts of the Virginia Tea Party Patriot Federation (VTP), with the help of The Bull Elephant and the Young Republicans of Fauquier County, the Republican candidates for the 5th Congressional District were able to express opinions on a wide variety of questions, ranging from our national debt to legalization of marijuana to marriage and right to life issues. The concept of the event was to [...]