No GOP, the election was NOT an affirmation of your performance

By |2018-05-23T00:02:43-04:00November 18th, 2014|Categories: Elections, Featured|Tags: , , |

I’ve seen posted all over the Interwebs that the massive wave election this November was an indication that the people like the job that the GOP leadership is doing, specifically that The People showed their preference for “moderate” candidates over Constitutional conservatives. ...

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Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation Demands That Speaker Boehner Reinstate House Committee Members Amash, Huelskamp, and Schweikert

By |2019-05-11T16:12:14-04:00December 10th, 2012|Categories: Congress, News, Press Release|Tags: , |

For Immediate Release                              December 5, 2012 Contact: Mark Daugherty                                    540-885-5627 Email:                    540-255-1431 Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation Demands That Speaker Boehner Reinstate House Committee Members Amash, Huelskamp, and Schweikert (Richmond, VA) – “The Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation demands that House Speaker John Boehner reinstate House Committee members, Justin Amash and Tim Huelskamp to the House Budget Committee, and David Schweikert to the House Financial [...]

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Republican National Committee: You Don’t Matter

By |2019-05-11T16:12:18-04:00September 3rd, 2012|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |

After a few years of seeing the success of the tea party, you’d think that the GOP would see the value of it. Perhaps even begin to drift toward more-conservative policies. Heck, the overwhelming victories in 2010 should be a clear indicator of the power of “tea party” type support. But recent events tell a [...]

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Health Savings Acounts take a hit – Thanks to Jim Webb

By |2011-01-03T17:08:36-05:00January 3rd, 2011|Categories: Healthcare|Tags: , |

The following was received recently via email: Friends, Happy New Year! While we're gearing up for the new Congress and the Virginia General Assembly session, I wanted to take a minute and update you on just one of the reasons we're fighting to repeal ObamaCare. January 1 brought some of the first unpleasant side effects of ObamaCare to Virginia consumers - the end of Flexible Spending Accounts and Health Savings Accounts as we know them. Desperate for tax dollars to [...]

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Happenings: Jan 3, 4, 5

By |2019-05-11T16:12:53-04:00January 3rd, 2011|Categories: Congress, Events|Tags: |

Monday January 3, 2010 2011 RNC Chairman Debate hosted by Americans for Tax Reform & The Daily Caller. View the debate live on Monday, January 3, 2011 at 1:00 PM EST at After registering and logging in, you can submit and vote on questions to be asked of the candidates at the debate. If your question is selected, you will receive both a signed copy of Grover Norquist's Leave Us Alone and a ball cap from The Daily [...]

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