Remember a time when there was no Tea Party.

Remember when there was no freedom movement that sliced and diced its way to relevance and influence? A movement that shook the wall of establishment politics until its very foundations cracked and crumbled.

A decade ago, I remember feeling alone. And we all were alone separately without even a bridge to connect us.

Next Month, we gather together for our summit in this our 10 anniversary edition of the intrepid and unflappable Tea Party. We have the foundational structure to wield power and leverage influence in the Virginia Tea Party and these summits are our bridge to bring us together.

I will now speak personally as a long standing tea party loyalist. Over these last 10 years, these summits, have afforded me sanctuary and safe passage in expressing the ideas and hopes for our Republic in an increasingly hostile and intolerant world. In these summits, I have found surprising inspiration when none could hope to be found (especially right after the devastating 2012 re-election of Barack Obama). These summits have been invaluable in offering the tools and weapons that found practical use on the local battlefields where most of our engagements now center. I have never witnessed such elegant expressions from such great speakers and patriots for our freedoms as I heard from the podium during these summit sessions. These summits have also provided great comfort and support during some of the worst of times and it was the genuine fellowship found amongst our rank and file that pulled me back to life to rise to fight another day when seemingly there was nothing left.

This history of service that our Virginia Tea Party has offered has been a godsend and an invaluable life line to many of us. It is responsible for keeping this freedom movement alive and unified in a state that is growing increasingly hostile to freedom, sane financial/economic policy and the Constitution. Thank you Virginia Tea Party (Federation) for your good works, your steadfast clarity on the steady barrage of legislation and your history of support and dedication to the tea party movement. There cannot be enough expression of gratitude to your support and leadership over the last 10 years that can put a dent in what you have meant to sunshine patriots and winter warriors alike.

In Sincere Appreciation and Gratitude,

Nelson Velez
Virginia Tea Party