It’s been 10 years since the Tea Party’s miraculous rise from nowhere to forge a new chapter in American History. 10 years is a good milepost to take stock and look back. But before we look at the history we made, it is just as important to look at the friendships that were forged in the crucible of our freedom movement. It is in those friendships that the humanity of our movement lies and it is these friendships that will allow our movement to endure through the next decade and beyond. These last 10 years have made each of us better Americans. We are more knowledgeable. We are more rock steady. And most importantly, we know our Why. We know why we have done what we did, why we continue to do what we do and why we will continue to do what we do. Our enemies enjoy great power, influence and wealth. They have the prestige and the pop culture admiration. We have history, fundamental truths and we have each other. One vital way that we have connected and continue to be connected with one another has been through the summits held yearly by the Virginia Tea Party.

These summits have proven their worth in sheer substance, but they have been invaluable in providing a place where strong abiding friendships can be forged. Over the years, it is these friendships that have been the most precious of treasures for myself and for the many good people whom I have been blessed to come to know.

These summits offer many important things. But one thing that they always provide is sanctuary. It is our safe oasis in a very hostile and violent world. They have offered a time out from the rough and tumble. They have been where we can draw comfort from one another, and in our most engaging moments, we have drawn timely inspiration. I have found great comfort and solace among the patriots that attend and speak at these summits. I have witnessed the most eloquent of speeches and the most touching and poignant moments. These summits have all been vital to connecting each of our tea parties and their leadership throughout the state to a common shared experience. They have provided the forum by which we can gather, get to know one another and support each other.

Our 10th Year Anniversary Summit is particularly noteworthy in terms of importance of speakers (like Trump economist Stephen Moore) and pragmatic programing. We are proud to present a summit worthy of our 10th anniversary. It is hoped that this summit like those past, will be memorable and have a personal impact. Your Executive Council has presented the faithful with a great line up of speakers and workshops. I hope that you all are able to attend, find good value in the day and inspiration among your fellow winter warriors. After all, it is our 10th anniversary, we deserve a good time with a little celebration mixed in for good measure.

With Gratitude and Appreciation for the Last Decade,

Nelson Velez
Virginia Tea Party