Obama Un-narrated…
Obama, in his own words.
Obama, in his own words.
After a few years of seeing the success of the tea party, you’d think that the GOP would see the value of it. Perhaps even begin to drift toward more-conservative policies. Heck, the overwhelming victories in 2010 should be a clear indicator of the power of “tea party” type support. But recent events tell a [...]
According to Rasmussen Reports, 44% of Americans trust Obama more on the economy than Romney. Really? REALLY?!? Under Obama’s administration, America’s credit rating was downgraded for the first time in America’s history. As a result, the cost of borrowing increased. For example, instead of borrowing, say, $100 BILLION from China at 2%, it will now [...]
Jefferson Area Tea Party announces “Oust Obama” counter-rally to coincide with President Obama’s appearance in Charlottesville on Wednesday * ** The rally is free and open to the public and the media. We encourage everyone to bring a beverage and a blanket or folding chair, along with flags and signs. Parking in [...]
The problem isn’t republicans or democrats….the problem is a massive government that facilitates abuses by republicans AND democrats. “Why be a taxpayer when I can be a tax spender?”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 24, 2012 Contact: Andy Surabian 508-802-3868 or AndySurabian@yahoo.com Tea Party Express Mobile Phone Bank Bus Stopping [...]
For Immediate Release: August 23, 2012 Contact: Mark Daugherty 540-885-5627 Email: trail100liberty@gmail.com 540-255-1431 Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation Supports Brandon Raub’s Free Speech Rights, Applauds His Release, And Demands An Investigation (Richmond, VA) – “The Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation VTP condemns the August 16th detention and mental health facility incarceration of former U.S. Marine, Brandon Raub, a resident of Midlothian, Virginia, by FBI, U. S. Secret [...]
That is…$836 billion in taxes over the next decade, not including the $716 billion he’s robbing from Medicare. Yes, good [...]
Well isn’t this just special? It’s candid moments like this when our “leaders” in Washington let slip out what they [...]
In case you missed it… Vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan was here in Virginia yesterday morning. Rep. Ryan continues to draw capacity crowds everywhere he goes, and today Virginians did not disappoint. CBS reports that supporters started showing up as early as 2am this morning. A week since presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced him as his running [...]