
2016: Obama’s America…Movie Is Disturbingly Necessary

By |2019-05-11T16:12:17-04:00September 18th, 2012|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

CBS contributor and Examiner writer Scott Paulson assessed 2016: “fair warning, it’s disturbing – and quite frightening – to say the least.” Some clips from this Chicago-based writer via a Los Angeles CBS affiliate: Fact after fact is put forth which shows that President Obama definitely has many skeletons in the closet that have not [...]

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George Allen Q&A Session – 9/8/2012

By |2019-05-11T16:12:17-04:00September 14th, 2012|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |

Below is the video from the Q&A session with US Senate candidate George Allen. Please excuse the rough audio quality…you will likely need to turn up the volume a bit to hear the discussion. Additionally, the video terminated early; about 2-3 minutes from the end of Allen’s comments. The event was moderated by Dr. David [...]

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Republican National Committee: You Don’t Matter

By |2019-05-11T16:12:18-04:00September 3rd, 2012|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |

After a few years of seeing the success of the tea party, you’d think that the GOP would see the value of it. Perhaps even begin to drift toward more-conservative policies. Heck, the overwhelming victories in 2010 should be a clear indicator of the power of “tea party” type support. But recent events tell a [...]

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Allen like Obama?

By |2012-05-24T18:54:27-04:00May 24th, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

Well, let’s see.  Under Obama, the US government’s budget deficit has dramatically increased.  The Senate, led by his own political party, hasn’t delivered a budget in more than three years.  And not one Democrat voted for the budget he sent them.  During Allen’s tenure as a senator, he voted for TENS OF THOUSANDS of earmarks [...]

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Liberty Looms Large This Year

By |2019-05-11T16:12:29-04:00March 10th, 2012|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , |

Dan Henninger, columnist and Deputy Editorial Page Director for the Wall Street Journal, wrote a column saying that the concepts of freedom and liberty are strongly resonating with voters this year. He said the symbols of this mood are the “Don’t tread on me” motto and the “coiled rattlesnake sewn into the famous yellow Gadsden [...]

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