For Immediate Release — June 7, 2012

Contact: Mark Daugherty

Richmond, VA – The nine-member executive committee of the Virginia Tea Party Patriots endorses Jamie Radtke for the U.S. Senate. Jamie Radtke offers Virginia voters the bold, principled leadership, and policy solutions that will lead to an American Renaissance of individual and economic liberty resulting in vigorous private sector employment growth, prosperity, and a return to the can-do American attitude of excellence.
The Radtke prescription for an American revival focuses on replacing out-of-control big government that taxes success and imposes excessive regulation, with the Tea Party principles of limited government, frugal spending, and low taxes, that promote individual initiative, the free markets, and reward achievement and excellence.

Jamie understands that the proper role of government is to protect life, liberty, and property.  Congress has failed to fulfill its basic Constitutional responsibilities to the American people.  Radtke, a Washington outsider and dedicated mother of three, offers Virginians the best leadership option to challenge the toxic policies of overspending and surging debt levels that are rapidly strangling our country as well as our children and grand-children’s future.

The Executive Committee of the Virginia Tea Party Patriots urges Virginia voters to support Jamie Radtke on June 12th, Primary Day.

Mark Daugherty, Chairman
Yale Schiffman, Vice-Chairman
Reagan George, Second Vice-Chairman
Carol Stopps, CoLA Legislative Chair
Wayne Winslow, Treasurer
Toni Buchanan, Secretary
Scott Cooper, Membership Chair
Rick Buchanan, Events Chair
Mike Troxel, Communications and Technology Chair

The Virginia Tea Party Patriots is a federation of 40 tea party and patriot groups that promote individual liberty, fiscal responsibility, Constitutionally-limited government, and free-market principles.
