
How to Address Your Delegate and Senator after the Election

By |2020-12-23T09:27:50-05:00November 18th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Featured, Legislative, News, Politics|

How to address your Delegate and Senator after the election, before the start of the General Assembly Contact in writing to the campaign office listed at their election material if not the incumbent. Address the fact that the person is now YOUR representative in the General Assembly, citing what district you are in. Identify yourself and your affiliation. If the representative is in concert with your ideals, note it and offer your support in the upcoming session, noting the challenges [...]

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A Bad Moon Arising

By |2020-06-25T21:54:13-04:00November 18th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Elections, Featured, Government, Legislative, News, Politics|

The left wing mob has breached our General Assembly and will now impose their destructive and subversive ideology on all of us. And yes, Virginia, you can buy elections. The election that was bought and paid for by the deep pockets of left wing billionaires, labor unions and abortion mills will now rain down on our Commonwealth terrible and unacceptable laws. Elections do have consequences. The stage was initially set by the redistricting whose lines frequently and, so ever [...]

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The Law by Bastiat

By |2019-10-15T14:21:22-04:00October 15th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Featured|

Leftist have always talked as if their ideas were the wave of the future. But their ideas are as old as mud. Anyone who thinks Leftist ideas are new simply doesn’t know that those ideas have failed in the past. Not just today in Venezuela and Cuba, or in the recent past like the Soviet Union. They failed in the aftermath of the French Revolution, and again in the revolutions of 1848. Socialism and communism have been around for more [...]

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The End Game Cometh

By |2020-06-25T21:54:24-04:00October 15th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Elections, Featured, Government, Politics|

Virginia has been the prized and coveted target for the left particularly over the last several years. Considerable outside money, effort, and major operations from rich left wing power brokers have zeroed in on seizing power in Virginia. The end game is ultimately to create a climate in Va. where our rights can be steadily eroded and the ruling power of "we the people" becomes a right we freely abandoned for all kinds of "free stuff" as well as [...]

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Elections and Values – Education

By |2019-09-27T23:49:12-04:00September 27th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Elections, Featured, News|Tags: |

Education What we are seeing is a government mandated education system creating a generation of liberal activists. We are teaching "fairness," "climate change," "diversity," "tolerance," and "humanism," but not the 3 R’s. Is there a way back to the basics of education? Overview: B.F. Skinner famously said “Give me a child and I’ll shape him into anything.” Lenin said “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” Are you [...]

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Elections and Values – Energy and Environmental Issues

By |2019-09-27T23:49:58-04:00September 27th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Elections, Energy, Featured|Tags: |

Energy and Environmental Issues $15 per gallon gas. A ban on fireplaces and wood stoves. No natural gas or oil for heating. Government-mandated vegetarianism. This could be our future. The overriding themes are political power and economic control, not saving the planet. Overview: Energy policy is in the news daily. From “climate change” proponents and opponents, to how Dominion and Appalachian Power operate within Virginia, to what your gas and electric bills will be in the future, it touches [...]

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Elections and Values – Budget and the Economy

By |2019-09-27T23:50:54-04:00September 27th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Economy, Elections, Featured, News|Tags: |

BUDGET AND THE ECONOMY If you are a Tea Party member, you most likely remember the quote “it’s the economy, stupid!” Well, it still is. We believe in free market capitalism! Instead of addressing the need for appropriate checks and balances to ensure a balance between employer and employees, the current discussion in the media and among progressives is to demonize Capitalism and glorify Socialism. The conservative platform is less regulation, free markets, and fair compensation in a mutually beneficial [...]

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Elections and Values – The Second Amendment

By |2019-09-27T23:51:57-04:00September 27th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Elections, Featured, News|Tags: , |

THE SECOND AMENDMENT The Constitution contains statements about our God-given rights and enumerates freedoms that we have in the United States, including the Second Amendment right to bear arms. Over time, these rights have become restricted as laws – such as those prohibiting felons from possessing guns, requiring background checks, or setting a minimum age to own a firearm – have been passed. After each tragic act of violence, one response is usually to encourage gun ownership so that [...]

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Elections and Values

By |2019-09-27T23:52:30-04:00September 27th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Elections, Featured|Tags: |

Welcome to the first edition of the weekly Elections and Values newsletter. We will be focused on the November elections in Virginia. The purpose of this missive is to offer you information and perspectives on major issues that will be discussed in the current election cycle. Virginia is one of only a few states holding elections to statewide offices this year, so significant attention and money will be spent here as a run-up to the national 2020 elections. This [...]

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The Lull before The Gathering Storm

By |2020-06-25T21:54:47-04:00September 16th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Events, Featured, Government, Politics|

I have always felt blessed to be able to recognize the good and the eternal truths from the bad and deranged and not be confused over the confusion of others. The Tea Party and other patriot groups have been steadfast in their knowing and defending their convictions and their foundational principals. They have stayed the course over the last 10 years in the face of unprecedented attacks and, in some cases, up close and personal destruction. Whether by weaponized powerful [...]

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