

Preserving The Good Fruits of Our Labor

All you good people take a bow. As a result of your hard work and resolve, a new Virginia government now is in place (except for those left-wing radicals in the Senate, but their time [...]

By |January 17th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, News, Politics|Comments Off on Preserving The Good Fruits of Our Labor

We Wounded The Beast! But Have We Finished?

We won a great victory in November. The odds were stacked against us with the voting fraud conditions favorable for the democrats and with many good people demoralized and questioning the very integrity of our [...]

By |December 13th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Featured, News, Politics|Comments Off on We Wounded The Beast! But Have We Finished?

Deepening Shadows of Fascism

Where are we? What has happened to our Republic? What has happened to the Americans whose very nature would easily crush this full throttle war on our Republic? Can you still recognize our country? [...]

By |October 26th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Elections, Featured, Government, Politics|Comments Off on Deepening Shadows of Fascism

With friends like DWECs, who needs socialist democrats?

Some people feel (or posture as though they feel they should feel) that the term RINO is offensive. They might have a point. A case certainly could be made for needless offence against a noble [...]

By |August 19th, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on With friends like DWECs, who needs socialist democrats?

The greatest of landslides begin with the rolling of the smallest of pebbles

We have been the good people. The quiet ones. The forgotten Americans. The ones that America's enemies worry about the most and most always dearly want to destroy. We are the heirs to those who [...]

By |August 16th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Elections, Featured, Government, Politics|Comments Off on The greatest of landslides begin with the rolling of the smallest of pebbles

A (Not So) Simple Suggestion

I have heard so much about racism and how to be anti-racist recently. Statues have come down, buildings and streets renamed, and riots have taken place. Are we simply fueling the resentment of darker-skinned folks [...]

By |July 21st, 2021|Categories: Blog, News, Politics|Comments Off on A (Not So) Simple Suggestion

American Freedom-Born in Virginia. Now the fight to resurrect it in Virginia

It is now July. We are an occupied nation. The Crime syndicate that committed the worst act of treason in American history in the annihilation of our free and open elections in 2020 has [...]

By |July 19th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Elections, Featured, Politics|Comments Off on American Freedom-Born in Virginia. Now the fight to resurrect it in Virginia