
A Unified Message to Fight Election Fraud

By |2021-01-09T18:29:18-05:00December 22nd, 2020|Categories: Blog, Elections, Government|

Submitted by James Hull, King George TEA Party We Conservatives, Patriots, and TEA Party members are often caught between the proverbial "rock and a hard place.” On one hand we have the mainstream media, tech platforms, and politicians that uniformly do everything they can to censor our message. On the other hand we sometimes have the absolute need to share an opposing viewpoint. The fact that election fraud occurred during the 2020 election is one of those subjects that [...]

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The Crime of the Century!

By |2020-12-22T10:43:14-05:00December 22nd, 2020|Categories: Blog, Elections, Featured, Government, Politics|

So now it comes to this. With true 2020 vision, we have witnessed the most outrageous and massive crime spree in our history. The year began with the subversive use of impeachment of the president over actions, that by law, a president is required to do before approving funds to the Ukraine. He is required to ask about fraud and the Democrats responded with impeachment. Then, as the nation was struggling to rebound from the shutdown, the left unleashed its [...]

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Vote YES on Amendment #1

By |2020-10-13T17:05:47-04:00October 13th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Elections, Featured, Government, Politics|

Blue Virginia has a bright banner on their web site declaring “Defeat Gerrymandering. Vote NO on Amendment #1. This statement is unbelievable, because Amendment #1 is crafted to ELIMINATE Gerrymandering! Why are Democrats now against it? Because they are in power and THEY get to draw the districts! Make no mistake, the push to defeat Amendment #1 is an attempt to allow Democrats to redraw lines based on the 2020 Census to ensure their party’s advantage for decades to come. [...]

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Something Wicked This Way Comes….

By |2020-08-25T21:57:14-04:00August 25th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

There is a real Evil that has become a sustaining destructive and lawless force across our nation. And all during this relentless march, the mob grows, becomes increasingly violent and emboldened as it inflicts its terrible evil on our society. Throughout much of this insurrection, rather than witnessing massive arrests and punishment, these violent left-wing hate groups have all too often been showered with affection, praise and vast pools of money. They are a movement of fear and division. They [...]

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Antifa and Kristallnacht

By |2020-12-23T09:22:13-05:00June 27th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|Tags: , , |

Dear Reader;   The Tea Party was initially a rowdy bunch, loud, sometimes disruptive, and focused on a few goals: smaller government, lower taxes, maximum freedom. The active protesters we are seeing now have a different dynamic. Peaceful but forceful messages are hijacked by the agitators who strike the match of mob action. Nihilistic, unlawful, destructive, godless, anarchists are enforcing their messages to the world through a willing press. This cannot continue; the goal is to annihilate our entire system [...]

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By |2020-06-25T22:40:10-04:00June 23rd, 2020|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, News, Politics|

We watch in somber silence as our Republic burns. We witness major respected corporations pour their wealth into these left wing hate groups. We watch in disbelief as Democrat elected officials and even police chiefs march in solidarity with these racist hate groups who advocate lawlessness and crime. They demand homage and tributes and in shock, we watch as they receive all their demands instead of imprisonment. Democrat congressmen bowed, literally got down on their knees, as they embrace the [...]

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Masks, The Cover Up That Keeps You Submitting!

By |2020-06-25T21:51:54-04:00May 29th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Healthcare, Legislative, Politics|

Masks, the cover up that keeps you submitting! Are we beginning to get used to submitting and complying, yet? As the Tea Party movement, we fought a decade long battle against the very powers of government to clearly make our intent to be free and not to bend to edicts and dictates from oppressive officials. We now have a situation where a very flawed Governor is extending dictatorial powers without a time limit or a limiting authority. He has effectively [...]

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By |2020-06-25T21:52:19-04:00May 19th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

In a legal dictionary, Advocacy is defined as the act of arguing in favor of, or pleading for something. The most common definition references groups or individuals who attempt to influence decisions and legislation made by political parties, social systems, and government units to respond to a particular cause, idea, policy, or group. Unfortunately, advocacy has been taken over mostly by progressives and extremists who use it as a way of advancing fundamental changes to our society. Many colleges have [...]

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A Republic, if you can keep it

By |2020-06-25T21:52:30-04:00April 21st, 2020|Categories: Blog, Featured, Government, Politics|

Thomas Jefferson proclaimed his stance on liberty when he wrote "I prefer dangerous Freedom over peaceful slavery". How do we feel about that choice now? Is freedom an eternal principle or is it only eternal until a good crisis comes along? Do freedoms only remain real if the conditions are right? Do we enjoy eternal principles only until someone gets sick and then they can be suspended for everyone? What about our rights and freedoms? Do we have them [...]

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The Pebbles that Slay Giants

By |2020-06-25T21:52:57-04:00February 24th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Elections, Featured, Government, Politics|

Oh Yes, elections really do have consequences. After the November election, we all braced for the deluge of bad laws. We knew the day after those November elections that Virginia was in for a horror show of damaging and dangerous legislation that would rain on us like hellfire. And yes, Virginia, we really do have subversive crazies who we used to see only occasionally on the streets and when they would be court ordered to a mental institution, we would [...]

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